I’ve been wanting to resurrect this blog for a long time, however I frequently found myself either uninspired or running the risk of self-plagiarising. Recently, I found myself discussing YouTube tutorials over a pint with a friend – how there are so many out there and how I wished someone had made a comprehensive, specification-based series of videos for the subjects I studied at A-level. I had also noticed that an education-based, A-level-relevant post I did a while back still attracts hits (I like to think this is because it’s helping some students out there). Coupled with the recent overhaul of specifications, this gave me the idea of resurrecting my blog and putting it to good use – namely to try and build a specification-relevant series of posts covering A-level biology; but also to go above and beyond it for those most interested, who (like myself at A-level) often feel frustrated by the constraints of mark schemes and specifications. An additional benefit would also be the comments system provides an opportunity for students to ask questions if they are struggling, which may substantiate their understanding. I italicise the topics of the specifications I will be covering at the head of each post.


Hopefully, this will prove useful and, in which case, I will continue to create more posts in the future. Please let me know what you think.